Complete bathroom renovation in London, is a huge step in a living-in house, especially; if it is one-bathroom house due to all the work amount, but this always take a priority when considering a house renovation for a reason.
In this article we are going to show you all the steps with the needed information to a complete bathroom renovation, that will impact your whole house in a great way.

A complete bathroom renovation in London will turn into a mess, disaster process without a proper planning that involves all the necessary aspects, so; take a good planning time to save yourself lost working time while processing.
While planning, consider the design aspect you are going to take, if you want to change the whole design style, and rearrange furniture, this will for sure need more time and money, or; you need just to retile and refurnish with new, fresh stuff to restyle and boost your bathroom.
Time is an effective factor here, particularly; if you only have one bathroom, so you need to plan working amount by the time in which you can dispense-with your bathroom.
Last step in planning; is cost management, after knowing the work amount and designing style, you can know particularly how much it will cost you, if it works with your available budget, or you will be short with money.
Plumbing and Leaking repair:
Complete bathroom renovation is a great opportunity to check your plumbing, and do needed repairs and maintenance, to avoid future problems.
This is a good time to fix leaking problems and solve mould issues in order to protect your family health.
Now; you can start your renovation with problem-free, and clean bathroom.

Insulation and Heating installation:
To take full advantage of your complete bathroom renovation, you must install a suitable insulation, to avoid future mould growing, and unneeded wet bathroom atmosphere.
Even that; at first thought, bathroom heating is not an obvious necessary thing, but; after trying it with a well-studied bathroom heating will persuade you to install bathroom heating, that will not only make your winter baths easier, but; you will be able to dry wet towels too.

Plumbing fixtures:
Complete bathroom renovation without new plumbing fixtures will be a lost, and you will regrate it later.
So; consider boosting your bathroom quality with new featured plumbing fixtures.
Another important point; is to consider bathtubs design, whether; you want to go with shower room, or; with the new trend separated bathtub, both ways will be great, and it is totally your call to make.

Believe it or not, tiles will have the biggest impact on your complete bathroom renovation, so do not hesitate and take this step as big as you can, to choose the best tiles quality you can afford.
Moreover; it is not a bad decision to mix and match tiles’ colours and textures, to get the bathroom style you wish for.

Decoration and Furniture:
Now; it is the fun part in a complete bathroom renovation, furnishing and decorating your bathroom with new elements, to add life and personal touch to the bathroom.
There are many options to add, like; wall photos, lights, candles, new cabinets, vases, and never forget to add nice, green touch to your bathroom, to keep its look fresh as possible.