So; it is that time of the year, when new year gossips about trends start moving around, including all the aspects of life from fashion, colours, to design with bathroom tilting, the important space that affects our lives more than we think.
That is why in this article, our experts are going to reveal to you the amazing bathroom tiling trends secrets in 2022, which will help you to add a nice touch to your bathroom design.
Hence; let us discover the number of changes in 2022-bathroom tiling trends, and whether; they are big ones or just small touches to last year trends:

With many strong trends going to control bathroom design in 2022, we can tell you in confidence that “going back to nature” is the controlling keyword in them all, especially; in materials:
· Marble:
Adding marble is always a winning touch to any bathroom space, with its elegant and fancy touch, and that is why it has been popular for so long, with many available marble patterns that you can add in the way you like to your bathroom design.
· Stone:
There is no stronger natural statement than stone, whether; you used real stone tiles, or; look-like tiles with different shades of grey.
· Wood:
As “going back to nature” is the big star of this year’s trends, then the wood will for sure be a strong trend too, with special covering material to make it water-resistant.
More than that; keep in mind the mixing materials option too, for great bathroom tiling results.

Colours help you to make a statement with your design and bathroom tiling colours play a big role here, more than that; when talking about 2022 we can say that this year statement includes bold, strong, and clear colours trends:
· Very Peri:
The star of this year after Pantone announcing it the colour of the year 2022, as it brings trust and beloved touch to our lives and interior design too.
· Grey:
Yes, grey is still in control for the year 2022 too, this neutral colour will be great with any fixture and decoration piece, moreover; will add a calming touch to your bathroom as well.
· Green:
Since 2022 is the year of “going back to nature” then having green colour make a lot of sense, so; this colour is your answer to create a cozy bathroom tiling design.

Tiling styles:
For sure you will notice that a lot of last year tiling trends are staying with us for the year 2022 too, in the bathroom tiling and all over the house too, keep 2022 tiling trends in mind when planning for a renovation:
· Sharp Lines:
When talking about this tiling style, we include all tiles types with strong edges to make each piece clear and shape.
· Terrazzo:
With its vintage visual appealing, durability, matt finishes, and anti-slipping surface, you could know why Terrazzo is a unique design and a great choice for bathroom tiling.
· Subway tiles:
Adding this great trend, which is not going to end soon, will add a unique touch to your bathroom, whether; you used white-clear tiles, or; any other colour and patterns.
· Mosaic design:
This style has endless options for any bathroom design, however; it is not that great idea for a small bathroom with all its details.
In conclusion,
We at MS Contractor make sure to design your bathroom with the latest and most suitable designing trends, so; just contact US to enjoy great bathroom design and functionality.